CLASS A CDL commercial drivers license

Before You Sign an Employment Contract or Enroll in a Free CDL Program… Read Below, then Call Us Today!

Make up to $78,000 From your CDL Class (A) at Shippers’ Choice.

Selecting a reputable truck driving school like Shippers’ Choice over other discounts CDL Class A schools or commercially contracted schools provides many benefits to would-be drivers. By attending a reputable CDL truck driving school as opposed to signing up with a company-sponsored program or CDL training tied to an employment contract means you can work anywhere you want to work after graduation. You are not locked into working for a specific company after you graduate from the Shippers’ Choice CDL school, and you can avoid the inflexible training schedules and low quality of discount or free programs. You will leave our program with extensive real-world know-how and experience, and have access to opportunities to find work with any of the more than 65 companies we have relationships with – or anywhere else you wish.

Another benefit of choosing Shippers’ Choice is the flexible format of our classes. We offer both part-time and full-time schedules for students to choose from, which helps those who are looking to learn during off hours or while working at their current jobs. We also have five campuses throughout Virginia: Manassas, Richmond, Charlottesville, Newport News, and our new Suffolk location. Unlike other truck driving schools, we do not rush our students through a “crash course” in CDL driving without fully preparing them to successfully pass their driving test. We take the time to teach every student the necessary skills they will need to develop their skills, learn how to be safe on the road, and become effective and knowledgeable entry-level drivers. Our instructors are all talented and experienced truck drivers with decades of professional truck driving experience, and their knowledge is invaluable.

Unlike some other CDL schools that may only focus on one class of driving instruction, we offer training for both Class A and Class B licenses. In each CDL training program, truck driving students receive ample opportunities to drive Class A or Class B training vehicles on the range, giving them practical experience behind the wheel and working knowledge of all the equipment traditionally operated in day-to-day driving operations. Our instructors are patient and work with each student individually and at their own pace, making sure they gain the skills and education they need to be successful truck drivers on the road.

In addition, a Class A commercial driver’s license (CDL) can be a great starting point to launch a new and profitable career with better benefits and higher pay. On average, our students begin making $50,000 a year or more after graduation, and through our industry partnerships, many Shippers’ Choice graduates receive a signing bonus of as much as $7,000 to help get them started and defray some of the costs incurred from schooling. Once you start on the road and gain more experience, the sky is the limit. There are some Shippers’ Choice graduates making more than $70,000 every year driving for leading shipping companies.

We have been providing commercial driver’s license (CDL) schooling for countless people for more than 20 years, and have established ourselves as a well-known and trusted name in the truck driving and shipping industry. We also offer financial aid and assistance programs to help drivers, and we are happy to sit down and discuss aid programs with you to help you launch your new career in the commercial driving field. Call us today, and join the more than 25,000 people who have successfully graduated from our program.



By the time you are done with your instruction, you will be ready for an entry-level driving position. We have lifetime job placement assistance programs, and we are here to help you throughout your career. Companies come to the cdl training locations weekly to recruit new drivers.